Wednesday, June 11, 2014

24-04 drill shear clips

This page is hardly worth an entry.  It called for splitting the F-1207C bulkhead (actually, that’s called on the previous page, and I didn’t even have to do that since the bulkhead was in two pieces when I unpacked it) and using it to match drill two holes in the shear clips in the tail cone.  I haven’t touched the tail cone in months, so it was kind of fun to see how the ‘big pieces’ were fitting together. 

The background of the picture shows the pre-purchased fuel tank sitting in the tail pending its installation.  Also visible are miscellaneous clecos, the static line and the trim wiring cable.

I’m installing the 1207 bulkhead since that is required for the aforementioned fuel tank. I’m planning on installing the tank and short circuiting the fuel flow line to the fuel return line, putting in a gallon of gas and running the pump in order to ferret out the leaks.  I really want to do that before installing the wiring harness and the control linkages, since removing/replacing the fuel lines will undoubtably be *much* harder with those installed.

Today’s project is to build up a cradle that will take the fuselage in both horizontal position and turned up on its side.  Reading ahead, I realize that I can’t reach the top of the roll bar in order to complete 24-05, so now’s the time to actually build the cradle. 

IMG 0006 2

Drilled Shear Clip

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