Now that the replacement skin is in place, I can go back to the regular work. I successfully cut out the correct landing light opening on the new skin. I used a center punch to locate the holes, drilled #52 through the paper template, then #40 and #30 as per the plans. The cutout was made with 5 step-drill holes, then tin snips, and finally 60 grit Dremel sanding drum.
You are looking through the opening and can see the outermost nose rib. You can see the landing light ribs have been clecoed in. I needed to do that to ensure that I had the cutout correct this time. It was the attempted placement of those ribs that clued me in to the erroneous placement 2 weeks ago. The orange spot in the center of the picture is a tennis ball that has been affixed to the pointed tip of the rear rib in a vain attempt to prevent people from walking into it.
Landing Light Cutout
The wing tip closeouts received their cutouts as well, as per page 40-02, even though I won’t be working with them for a while. I discovered it’s much easier to use the tin snips on a flat surface rather than a curved leading edge!
Wingtip Closeout Access Holes
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